
English follows Japanese. 英語の文章は後半にあります。


「データ指向アプリケーションデザイン ―信頼性、拡張性、保守性の高い分散システム設計の原理」の後編です。



English follows Japanese. 英語の文章は後半にあります。こんにちは、ヘンリーです。オライリーの「データ指向アプリケーションデザイン ―信頼性、拡張性、保守性の高い分散システム設計の原理」という本を読んでいるのですが、


そんな課題に向き合い、実践的な解決策を提示してくれるのが、名著「データ指向アプリケーションデザイン ―信頼性、拡張性、保守性の高い分散システム設計の原理」です。特に後半では、分散システムの設計に欠かせない知識やテクニックが満載。今回は、この本から学んだことをベースに、実際の業務にどう活かせるのかをお話しします。

レプリケーション: 信頼性を高めるデータの複製


  • リーダーベースのレプリケーション: 一元的なリーダーが更新を管理し、フォロワーに反映。
  • マルチリーダー: 複数のリーダーで更新を管理し、同期の課題が発生。
  • リーダーレス: 分散システム全体でデータを共有し、柔軟性が高い。


パーティショニング: 高速アクセスを実現するデータ分割


  • データをどの基準で分割するか(例: ユーザーIDや地理的ロケーション)。
  • 負荷の集中を防ぐための動的リバランス。


分散トランザクション: 一貫性を保つデータ変更


  • 二相コミット: 全マシンで合意形成を行い、一貫性を維持。
  • スナップショット分離: トランザクションが影響し合わないよう、データの整合性を保つ。


一貫性とコンセンサス: 分散環境での合意形成


  • Paxos: 高度に分散されたシステム向けの合意形成アルゴリズム。
  • Raft: 実装が簡単で、Paxosの代替として広く採用されています。


まとめ: 実務への応用とさらなる挑戦

「データ指向アプリケーションデザイン ―信頼性、拡張性、保守性の高い分散システム設計の原理」の後半は、信頼性、スケーラビリティ、一貫性を追求したシステム設計の鍵を教えてくれます。本書を参考にしながら、私たちのチームでは以下を実践しています:

  • ユーザーにストレスを与えない高速かつ信頼性の高いシステム設計。
  • 柔軟なスケーラビリティを実現するデータ分散技術の採用。
  • 一貫性を保ちながら、リアルタイムで更新されるデータの管理。





Book review: O’Reilly “Designing Data-Intensive Applications”

It’s me, Henry, again.

Today I will introduce Part II of “Designing Data-Intensive Applications”.


Data should always be accessible and scalable. However, the complexity of distributed systems often makes achieving this goal challenging. The second half of the book, Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems, offers practical solutions to these challenges. Here, I’ll share key takeaways from this part of the book and how they can be applied to real-world projects.

Replication: Enhancing Reliability Through Data Duplication

Replication refers to the technique of distributing copies of data across multiple machines. This ensures system reliability even if some machines fail. The book highlights the following approaches:

  • Leader-based Replication: A central leader manages updates and propagates them to followers.
  • Multi-Leader Replication: Multiple leaders manage updates, introducing challenges in synchronization.
  • Leaderless Replication: The entire distributed system shares data, providing higher flexibility.

Personal Insight: In our projects, we’ve employed leader-based replication, which has been crucial for maintaining data consistency during failures. However, as the system scales, considering multi-leader replication may become necessary.

Partitioning: Achieving High-Speed Access Through Data Division

Partitioning, also known as sharding, involves dividing data and distributing it across multiple machines. The book highlights challenges like:

  • Deciding the criteria for partitioning data (e.g., user ID or geographic location).
  • Implementing dynamic rebalancing to prevent overloading a single machine.

Application in Practice: In our projects, selecting an appropriate partitioning strategy has helped distribute system load effectively, particularly during periods of rapid data growth. Partitioning has significantly improved query speeds for large-scale data operations.

Distributed Transactions: Ensuring Consistency in Data Updates

When data is distributed across multiple machines, maintaining consistency during updates becomes a challenge. The book introduces the following techniques:

  • Two-Phase Commit: Ensures consistency by achieving agreement across all machines.
  • Snapshot Isolation: Maintains data integrity by preventing transactions from interfering with one another.

My Takeaway: By adopting snapshot isolation in our projects, we enhanced stability in systems requiring high levels of concurrency. However, these techniques can impact processing speed, requiring careful trade-offs.

Consistency and Consensus: Achieving Agreement in Distributed Systems

In distributed systems, consensus is essential for maintaining data consistency. The book discusses the following algorithms:

  • Paxos: A consensus algorithm designed for highly distributed systems.
  • Raft: A simpler alternative to Paxos that is widely used.

Practical Insight: Our team uses Raft-based distributed locking to maintain consistency across multiple data centers. This chapter deepened my understanding of the practical applications of distributed system theories.

Conclusion: Applying Knowledge and Embracing Challenges

The second half of Designing Data-Intensive Applications reveals the keys to designing systems that prioritize reliability, scalability, and consistency. Inspired by this book, our team focuses on:

  • Designing systems that are both high-speed and reliable, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Adopting data distribution techniques that enable flexible scalability.
  • Managing real-time updates while preserving consistency.

The field of distributed systems is deep and complex, with much left to learn. This book provides a powerful foundation for any engineer looking to grow and tackle these challenges.

If you’re interested in solving these problems and building systems with us, we’d love to have you join our team.






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