Rubyの静的型付けについて (RBS, TypeProf, Steep, Sorbet)

English follows Japanese. 英語の文章は後半にあります。


それは Rubyのエコシステムでも同じです。

RBS, Sorbet, Steep, Typeprof, などなど。

RBS (Ruby Signature)

Ruby 3のリリースとともにRubyのコードに型定義情報を提供するRBSという仕組みが導入されました。RBSはRubyの型情報を文書化するためのもので、通常は「シグネチャ」と呼ばれる構造体を.rbsファイル(Rubyコードとは別物)に記述します。これらのファイルは、C/C++ の .h ファイルに似ていると考えると分かりやすいでしょう。

既存のプロジェクトでは、すべてのシグネチャを手動で作成する代わりに、RBS はプロトタイプとなる.rbsファイルを自動生成してくれます。自動生成されたファイルの一部は手動で修正しないといけないかもしれませんが、行数の多いファイルがある場合には自動生成機能はとても便利です。


# Gemfile

gem "rbs"


# lib/user.rb
class User
  attr_reader :login, :email

  def initialize(login:, email:)
    @login = login
    @email = email


$ bundle exec rbs prototype rb lib/user.rb > user.rbs


# sig/user.rbs

class User
  attr_reader login: String
  attr_reader email: String

  def initialize: (login: String, email: String) -> void




TypeProfは型推論ツールです。型情報を持たない、注釈のないRubyコードを解析し、コード内のメソッドの型を推測します。いくつかの例外はありますが、ほとんどすべての 値を型レベルにまで抽象化します。



# Gemfile
gem "typeprof"

次の例は、 lib/user.rbdです。

# lib/user.rb

class User
  attr_reader :login, :email

  def initialize(login:, email:)
    @login = login
    @email = email
$ bundle exec typeprof lib/user.rb > user.rbs


# sig/user.rbs

# TypeProf 0.15.3

# Classes
class User
  attr_reader login: String
  attr_reader email: String
  def initialize: (login: String, email: String) -> void




# Gemfile
gem "steep"

そして、次の例のように、 $ steep init で起動し、Steepfileを設定します。

# Steepfile

target :lib do
  signature "sig"

  check "lib"         # Directory name


$ steep check

最後に、前回の RubyKaigiでTypeProfの作者である遠藤祐介さんがSteepとTypeProfの主な違いについてコメントしていたので、以下に紹介します。

TypeProf と Steep の違いをまとめた表

TypeProf と Steep の違い




Types in Ruby 3, RBS, and Sorbet · Sorbet
Yesterday Square to their blog introducing


# Gemfile

gem 'sorbet', :group => :development
gem 'sorbet-runtime'


# lib/user.rb

# typed: strict

class User
  extend T::Sig
  sig {params(login: String, email: String).void}
  def initialize(login:, email:)
    @login = login
    @email = email

SorbetのRubyインターフェイス (RBI) を生成するために、Tapiocaというgemを使うことができますが、このgemはまだ開発中(この記事が書かれた時点)なので、少し不安定かもしれません。

GitHub - Shopify/tapioca: The swiss army knife of RBI generation
The swiss army knife of RBI generation. Contribute to Shopify/tapioca development by creating an account on GitHub.


この記事では、Rubyの静的型付けに関して RBS, TypeProf, Steep そして Sorbet を紹介しました。個々のgemのについて、それぞれの違いを雰囲気だけでも感じてもらえれば幸いです。





GitHub - ruby/rbs: Type Signature for Ruby
Type Signature for Ruby. Contribute to ruby/rbs development by creating an account on GitHub.
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020, #rubykaigi


GitHub - ruby/typeprof: An experimental type-level Ruby interpreter for testing and understanding Ruby code
An experimental type-level Ruby interpreter for testing and understanding Ruby code - ruby/typeprof
TypeProf for IDE: Enrich Dev-Experience without Annotations by Yusuke Endoh
RubyKaigi Takeout 2021, #rubykaigi


GitHub - soutaro/steep: Static type checker for Ruby
Static type checker for Ruby. Contribute to soutaro/steep development by creating an account on GitHub.
RubyKaigi 2019
RubyKaigi 2019, 4/18...4/20, Fukuoka, Japan #rubykaigi
Ruby Programming with Type Checking
RubyKaigi 2018


GitHub - sorbet/sorbet: A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby
A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby. Contribute to sorbet/sorbet development by creating an account on GitHub.
Sorbet · A static type checker for Ruby
A static type checker for Ruby
Types in Ruby 3, RBS, and Sorbet · Sorbet
Yesterday Square to their blog introducing
GitHub - Shopify/tapioca: The swiss army knife of RBI generation
The swiss army knife of RBI generation. Contribute to Shopify/tapioca development by creating an account on GitHub.



English version: Static Typing in Ruby

In the last few years the trend of adopting static typing among the dynamic-typed programming languages is increasing and it’s not different in ruby’s ecosystem. The objective is not to compare the solutions or to list the advantages and disadvantages of static or dynamic typed, but it is to list some of different solutions we can use while working in ruby, so in this post I’ll do a brief introduction some them and share couple references in case you are interested on learning more about.

While searching about type checking in ruby you’ll probably see some names such as: RBS, Sorbet, Steep,Typeprof, and others… And what are those? When should I use one of them?

RBS (Ruby Signature)

Along with the Ruby 3 we also had the RBS being released, which is the official type definition language for Ruby, having as the main goal to describe the structures of the programs.

Is important to note that the RBS alone doesn’t perform any type checking, it is used to document the Ruby code, with structures that usually are called as “signatures” and are written in .rbs files (which is different from Ruby code). For easier understanding you could consider those files something similar to the .h files in C/C++.

For existing projects, instead of creating all the signatures manually, RBS provide a way to generate prototypes, you’ll probably need to check the files later to fix some of the signatures, although is really helpful when you have many files with a lot of lines.

For using the RBS first, add the gem into the Gemfile:

# Gemfile

gem "rbs"

Having the following example: lib/user.rb

# lib/user.rb
class User
  attr_reader :login, :email

  def initialize(login:, email:)
    @login = login
    @email = email

The basic usage of the prototype feature can be executed by running:

$ bundle exec rbs prototype rb lib/user.rb > user.rbs

This is an example of .rbs file

# sig/user.rbs

class User
  attr_reader login: String
  attr_reader email: String

  def initialize: (login: String, email: String) -> void

Static type analyzers

We have RBS for defining the structures of our Ruby’s programs, so what are the reasons for the other gems? In short, the others gems are static type analyzers and each of them has their own characteristics.


TypeProf is a type inference tool, analyzing non-annotated Ruby code which has no type information and try to guess the type of the methods in the code. It abstracts almost all Ruby values to a type level, although there still are some exceptions.

You can use TypeProf in order to generate the prototypes of your project instead of using RBS’ prototypes, and in order to do it you can run the following command:

Before using, we need add the gem in the Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "typeprof"

Having the following example: lib/user.rb

# lib/user.rb

class User
  attr_reader :login, :email

  def initialize(login:, email:)
    @login = login
    @email = email

$ bundle exec typeprof lib/user.rb > user.rbs

TypeProf’s generated prototype:

# sig/user.rbs

# TypeProf 0.15.3

# Classes
class User
  attr_reader login: String
  attr_reader email: String
  def initialize: (login: String, email: String) -> void


Steep is a static type checker based on RBS, and it also support some annotations along the code to make the check more accurate.

To start using the steep you first will need to add it into the Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "steep"

Then start it with the $ steep init and setting up the Steepfile, like the following example:

# Steepfile

target :lib do
  signature "sig"

  check "lib"         # Directory name

After ensuring you have the .rbs files inside the folder /sig, in order to type check the files you can run the following command:

$ steep check

Lastly, during the last RubyKaigi, Yusuke Endoh (TypeProf’s author) commented some the main differences between Steep and TypeProf I thought really helpful, for that reason I’m writing it below.

Static Analyzer Differences

TypeProf & Steep Differences


While RBS is the official type definition language for Ruby and is a non-annotation type solution, Sorbet is a gradual type system that can be adopted incrementally to introduce the static type checking to the code base, being annotation based and having it’s own type definition language, called RBI.

Some people compare both RBS and Sorbet, although in reality they have different purposes, as much that they’re working together in order to improve both.

Setting the Sorbet in the Gemfile:

# Gemfile

gem 'sorbet', :group => :development
gem 'sorbet-runtime'

And as for an example what is to use annotations this is what a class using Sorbet would look like:

# lib/user.rb

# typed: strict

class User
  extend T::Sig
  sig {params(login: String, email: String).void}
  def initialize(login:, email:)
    @login = login
    @email = email

For helping to generate the Ruby Interfaces (RBI) for Sorbet, it’s possible to use a gem called Tapioca, although the gem is still under development(by the time of this post was written) so it might be a little unstable.


This post is a brief introduction on the solutions related to Ruby’s static typing, explaining a little about RBS, TypeProf, Steep and Sorbet, trying to help to explain the different purpose of every gem commented here.

By understanding the basic before take any step further, I believe you’ll have a better idea on what you could do or which tool would be best to use depending on the goal you want to achieve in your current project.

In case you were interested by any gem/solution I’m listing below below the references I used for writing this post.



GitHub - ruby/rbs: Type Signature for Ruby
Type Signature for Ruby. Contribute to ruby/rbs development by creating an account on GitHub.
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020, #rubykaigi


GitHub - ruby/typeprof: An experimental type-level Ruby interpreter for testing and understanding Ruby code
An experimental type-level Ruby interpreter for testing and understanding Ruby code - ruby/typeprof
TypeProf for IDE: Enrich Dev-Experience without Annotations by Yusuke Endoh
RubyKaigi Takeout 2021, #rubykaigi


GitHub - soutaro/steep: Static type checker for Ruby
Static type checker for Ruby. Contribute to soutaro/steep development by creating an account on GitHub.
RubyKaigi 2019
RubyKaigi 2019, 4/18...4/20, Fukuoka, Japan #rubykaigi
Ruby Programming with Type Checking
RubyKaigi 2018


GitHub - sorbet/sorbet: A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby
A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby. Contribute to sorbet/sorbet development by creating an account on GitHub.
Sorbet · A static type checker for Ruby
A static type checker for Ruby
Types in Ruby 3, RBS, and Sorbet · Sorbet
Yesterday Square to their blog introducing
GitHub - Shopify/tapioca: The swiss army knife of RBI generation
The swiss army knife of RBI generation. Contribute to Shopify/tapioca development by creating an account on GitHub.


