
English follows Japanese. 英語の文章は後半にあります。



My experience with RubyKaigi 2019
Hello, It's Phát again, a software engineer at ShareWis.In this post, I'd like to share about my experience wh




シェアウィズの新しい働き方について (with COVID-19)
日本語は後半にありますXin chào mọi người, mình lại là Hưng, kỹ sư phần mềm tại ShareWis.Hôm nay tôi sẽ giới thiệu với các bạn về cô




まず、私のメインマシンは、Macbook Pro 2017です。
ディスプレイとしては、USB Type-C接続のASUSポータブルモニターMB169C+を使っています。




私にはFilcoのメカニカルキーボードとApple Magic Mouseの組み合わせが一番フィットしています(ちなみに、Filcoのキーボードはベトナムで買うよりも日本で買った方が安いことに気づきました)。



Music to Focus Better - Brain.fm
Use Brain.fm's functional music to help you focus relax and sleep better, using cutting edge neuroscience to get results.










Sublime Text - the sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Available on Mac, Windows and Linux

完全なIDEを好む人もいれば、Visual Codeを好む人もいるし、Vimがいけてると言う人もいます。でも、私はSublimeTextに違和感がないので、これで十分です。

Git + Gitクライアント

SublimeTextと同じチームが開発したGUIのGitクライアント、Sublime Mergeを使用しています。

Sublime Merge - Git client from the makers of Sublime Text
Blaze through your commits with Sublime Merge - available on Mac, Windows and Linux
Sublime Mergeのスクリーンショット画像

Sublime Merge


データベース管理クライアントとしては、TablePlus を使っています。

TablePlus | Modern, Native Tool for Database Management.
Modern, native client with intuitive GUI tools to create, access, query & edit multiple relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, A...




Todoist | A To-Do List to Organize Your Work & Life
Trusted by 30 million people and teams. Todoist is the world's favorite task manager and to-do list app. Finally become focused, organized and calm.







Slack、Google Meetを会社で毎日使っています。

AI による業務管理とプロダクティビティツール
その仕事、Slack で。人、プロジェクト、ツール、AI を一元化した、世界で最も愛される、ビジネスの基本ソフトです。



Hello, Long time no see. It’s me – Vi Phat, a software engineer at ShareWis. It has been two years since my last blog post. The good news is ShareWis has grown much bigger and now we are having more team members than two years ago. The bad thing is the COVID-19 pandemic forces us to work remotely more often. Fortunately, even before the pandemic, ShareWis’s working environment is already easy to transform to remote work. Especially, the software engineers team, we have one developer who works in Brazil, the other one in Taiwan, and myself, who is working from Vietnam in recent months. So it doesn’t take much time for us or affects us too much. FYI, you can check my teammate’s blog post here, which describe tools that we are using for working remotely: シェアウィズの新しい働き方について (with COVID-19).

Today, I’ll share with you guys my current work equipments and tools that make me feel more productive when working from home.

Work Setup

First, my main-and-only workstation is Apple Macbook Pro 2017 with an Asus portable monitor MB169C+ with a USB-C connection. After several years working with two monitors, I can’t imagine how my work without a dual-screen setup. It helps boosts coding productivity a lot.

As I’m working with two screens, so an external keyboard and a mouse is a must. I’m really satisfied with the combo of a Filco mechanical keyboard and Apple Magic Mouse (FYI, I noticed that it’s cheaper when I bought a Filco keyboard in Japan than in Vietnam).

BTW, working from home also means that sometimes we need to join lot of online meetings, so I bought for myself a noise-canceling headphones and use them for video call meetings and listening to music when I need to focus or relax (I subscribed service of BrainFM – Brain.fm: Music to improve focus, meditation & sleep.).

Finally, please don’t feel bad if you spend more money on a good set of desks and chairs, me too. I feel that it’s necessary for a comfortable desk and chair as we will stick with them many hours a day. I’m considering equipping myself with a standing desk converter. I have one in the office but still don’t have any in my apartment.

My Work Setup when in Japan

My Work Setup now in Vietnam

Softwares and Tools

My daily-use tools for work are:

  • Code Editor: SublimeText. Some prefer a full IDE, some prefer Visual Code, some feel fancy when using VIM, etc… But I feel comfortable with SublimeText and it’s good enough.
  • Git + Git Client: My team collaborates with Git, and I use Sublime Merge – a GUI git client that was developed by the same team of SublimeText, and therefore it works really well with SublimeText. For someone who doesn’t familiar with Git, I recommend that you should first work with git commands and terminal to not depends on a GUI client.
  • Database management client: TablePlushttps://tableplus.com/ – I’m a bit surprised that it was developed by a Vietnamese team.
  • Task management: Todoist – I used it for five years til now. It’s too good for me that I became a loyal customer and willing to recommend to friends when they need a task management tool.
  • Note-taking software: Notionhttps://www.notion.so/. I tried many note-taking software before, but end up being with Notion. I have for myself a personal account for journal, storing things I’ve learned and also team’s account that used in ShareWis for knowledge sharing and organization’s documentations.
  • Communication tools: Slack, Google Meet, of course. That are the tools that our company uses daily.

Sublime Merge

Hope that you can find something useful in this blog post. Thank you.

(Dương Vì Phát)
